          佔領權力下的「公職追放」 st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}佔領權力下的「公職追放」 鳩山想要重新定義「美日同盟」一文中所指的其祖父鳩山一郎「被盟軍總司令部開除公職」,專有名詞是「公職追放」。 這是佔領軍當局的特有權力,目的在維持一個「親佔領當局」的政府。 根據1943年12月22日發佈生效的《美國陸軍與海軍 租房子軍事統治與民政治理手冊FM 27-5 and NAV 50E-3》(United States Army and Navy Manual of Military Government and Civil Affairs, FM 27-5 and NAV 50E-3)Section I GENERAL, 9. i. (1)~(3): table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} (1) 軍事統治 婚禮佈置所不需要或對軍事統治有害之官員,將被身為軍事總督之軍事指揮官暫時解除或中止其職務。在某些區域,也可能解散整個部門或局處。 (1) Officers which are unnecessary or detrimental to military government will be temporary discontinued or suspended by the military commander as military governor. In 保濕面膜 some areas this may be the case with entire departments or bureaus of the government. (2) 既存之立法部門,常被中止。最高立法權賦予戰區指揮官。 (2) Such legislative bodies as are still in existence will usually be suspended. Supreme legislative power is vested in the commanding officer in the theater of operation. 宜蘭民宿(3) 常有必要解除政治任命官員的職務,包括解除中央政府領導者的職位、閣員,與政治部門的領導者。未經上級當局許可,軍事指揮官不得永久任命前述具有政治性質之職位。非僅以不友善政治組織或政黨之成員為由即可解除其職務,前述組織之積極性官員,與其他不可信賴之成員常不允許保有其職務。地方官員有意不忠實執行其職務者,應視為對軍事統治的嚴重侵害。 (3) Usually it wi 襯衫ll be necessary to remove high ranking political officials from office. The action will include the removal of the nominal actual heads of the national government, cabinet ministers, and the heads of principal political divisions. No permanent appointments to such positions should be made by the military governor without approval of higher authority becaus 好房網e of the political implications of such appointments. While membership in unfriendly partisan organizations or political parties may not by itself be cause for removal, such officials as have been active leaders of such organizations will ordinary not be retained in office, nor will other officials who prove to be unreliable or untrustworthy. Willful failure of retain 襯衫ed local officials to perform their duties satsfactorily should be regard as a serious offense against the military government. table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 以下是YAHOO網路資料: 公職追放(?????????) 日本大百科全書(小?館) 一般的??政治家?行政官??公職???者?追放????、?????、1946年(昭和21)1月4日?連合?最高司令部?書?基??軍? 烤肉主義指導者?公職???追放???。追放??象?、(A)??犯罪者、 (B)職業軍人、 (C)極端??家主義?体???幹部、 (D)大政翼?????幹部、 (E)膨張政策??与??金融機??幹部、 (F)占領地?行政長官??、 (G)??他?軍?主義者???、 A項??G項??分類???。?????公職?、???地方議??議員、官公??地方公共?体?職員?????、特定?民間?社?報道機????含?、追放該?者?21万人以上?上??。公職追放?、?初??、自由党?裁鳩山(????)一郎、石橋湛山(????)、松本?買屋v一郎(?????)?追放??????政治的恣意(??)?策謀?入???余地????。49年以降、大幅?追放解除?進????一方、50年6月?日本共?党幹部?追放???????????????????用?????????、????政治目的?濃厚?反映???????????。 〔 執筆者:五十嵐仁 〕 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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